
Villa Wolkonsky

Via Ludovico di Savoia

00185 Roma RM, Italy

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Built to entertain a Russian princess’s literary friends, the Villa Wolkonsky has a rich history, including art, war, love, and betrayal.

Conference Hotels

We have negotiated a discount with the Hotel San Giovanni, which is a short (and beautiful) walk from the conference venue.

Many of the conference organizers are staying here, and it should be a good place to meet and mingle. We have additionally rented their function room for the duration of the conference for people to work or relax in:

Hotel San Giovanni

via Licia n. 7 00183 Rome

T. +39 06 640 11 405

They have several classes of room available, including singles, doubles, and suites. Please message to get the 20% discount code, and let us know you are staying there (this helps a lot with our logistics).