Neural Theory

While neuroscientists have increasingly powerful deep learning models that predict neural responses, it is not clear that these models are correspondingly increasing our understanding of what neurons are actually doing. In this session, we will take a more mechanistic approach to understanding how networks of neurons afford complex computations, both by both considering mechanistic neural model along with mathematical theories that say how neurons should behave and crucially why they behave that way.

Session Chairs

Dr James Whittington (University of Oxford; Stanford University)

Yasmine Ayman (Harvard)

Keynote Talks

Professor Christine Constantinople (New York University)

Dr Kim Stachenfeld (Google Deepmind)

Invited Talks

Professor Vijay Namdoodiri (Weill Institute for Neurosciences, UCSF)

Professor Annegret Falkner (Princeton Neuroscience Institute)

Dr Juan Gallego (Imperial)

Dr Chris Hillar (New Theory AI)


Anyone can register to attend the conference (in-person or virtual)