Neural Data
The neural basis of cognition is not going to be solved by maths alone. We need rich behavioural data and flourishing collaborations between experimentally and theoretically minded folk. In this session, talks will explore new and exciting neural data—whether it be fMRI, electrophysiologiy, or otherwise—that may or may not yet have an explanation, with a particular focus on data that points to new computational paradigms in brain processing.
Session Chairs
Dr Valeria Fascianelli (Zuckerman Institute, Columbia)
Dr Francesca Mignacco (Princeton)
Keynote Talks
Professor Wolfgang Maass (Technische Universität Graz)
Professor Eve Marder (Brandeis University)
Invited Talks
Professor Alex Cayco-Gajic (ENS)
Dr Jenelle Feather (Flatiron Institute)
Dr. Joao Barbosa (Institute for Neuromodulation)
Tejas Ramdas (Harvard University)
Spotlight Talks
TBA after Submission Review